Whymob is part of the European consortium that will develop a Master in Digital Transformation Management for the Health Sector
The recently approved project in Advanced Digital Skills by the European Commission – ManagiDiTH, aims to develop a Master in Digital Transformation Management in the Health Sector.
The project aims to develop and implement a master programme of specialised digital skills for the health sector. This integrated and interdisciplinary programme aims to equip professionals with the necessary capacity to address complex healthcare challenges in ageing societies, by fostering a co-creation process and building an ecosystem to collaboratively find innovative solutions.
This proposed ManagiDiTH – Master’s Degree of Managing Digital Transformation in the Health Sector draws on innovative pedagogical and technical skills from four partner universities, a research center and relevant healthcare and technology organisations, building on projects that have already been implemented in the consortium.
The program aims to achieve several objectives: Develop training references for level 7 of the European Qualifications Framework in the digital healthcare sector – Implement a trialogical pedagogical model prioritising problem-based learning strategies, supported by digital tools – Create an interdisciplinary learning ecosystem comprised of a quadruple helix model (including academia, industry, government and civil society) – Upskill target graduates from Health, Social & Welfare, Business & Administration, and Information & Communication Technologies (ICT) backgrounds.
Partners in four countries (Finland, France, Greece, Portugal), ensure relevant competencies for the project’s implementation, such as: engineering, organisation and clinical expertise in the health sector, service design, pedagogy, managerial, advanced technological and digital skills.
Whymob is part of the eight main partners, that include: ISCTE – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa; Laurea-Ammattikorkeakoulu Oy; Aristotelio Panepistimio Thessalonikis; Universite Gustave Eiffel), Instituto de Telecomunicacoes; Clinipower Finland Ltd; Mundiserviços – Companhia Portuguesa de Serviços e Gestão, Lda.
In addition to the main partners, there are several associated partners in the project: Health Cluster Portugal, Thessaloniki Women Association With Breast Cancer “Alma Zois”, Finnish Diabetes Association, European Network Of Living Labs Ivzw, The Union For Senior Services – Valli, Portuguese Red Cross, Adhd Hellas, Hovi Group Oy.